Picture of Comp Plan Logo

Picture of Comp Plan Logo


Communities are ever-evolving. As they age, they change demographically. And, like people, the needs and preferences of a community evolve over time. Therefore, it is essential for a community to remain relevant to both societal trends and pressures, as well as evolving community values.

Every 10 years, the City of Rogers takes the opportunity to pause and reflect on its past, survey its present and prepare for its future. This snapshot in time is done by evaluating values and issues of importance to the community, as well as exploring current trends, and assessing the short- and long-term needs and opportunities of those who live and work here today and tomorrow. That vision is bound together in a document known as a Comprehensive Plan.

What is the Vision for Rogers in 2040?


These vision statements emerged as part of the ongoing dialogue by and between residents, business owners, landowners, City staff, and Planning Commission and City Council members, and represent our ideals for what the community of Rogers shall strive to exemplify now and in 2040. These vision statements were used to develop the guiding principles for 2040 Comprehensive Plan, goals and policies that will guide decision-making.

Chapters & Appendices

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 – Community Profile

Chapter 3 – Vision & Guiding Principles

Chapter 4 – Land Use

Chapter 5 – Housing

Chapter 6 – Parks, Open Spaces and Trails

Chapter 7 – Economic Competitiveness

Chapter 8 – Water Resources

Chapter 9 – Transportation

Chapter 10 – Resiliency

Chapter 11 - Implementation


Maps & Figures

Chapter 2- Introduction

Chapter 4- Land Use

Chapter 5- Housing

Chapter 6- Parks, Open Spaces and Trails

Chapter 8- Water Resources

Chapter 9- Transportation

Chapter 10- Resiliency