Learn More About The City of Rogers ADA Transition Plan
The City of Rogers is committed to breaking barriers for residents and to be a fair, inclusive and equitable community in its practices, programs and services. The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) enacted on July 26th, 1990, is a civil rights law prohibiting discrimination against individuals based on disability. The ADA requires public transportation agencies to develop transition plans detailing how the agencies will ensure accessibility within the public right of way. See Appendix H for more detailed information on the ADA and related regulations. The City of Rogers Public Works Department has prepared this Americans with Disabilities Act ADA transition plan to guide its efforts to ensure pedestrian facilities located within the City’s right of way meet the accessibility needs of all residents. This plan will be used to maintain, program and construct accessible pedestrian facilities in the right of way. It provides an inventory of pedestrian ramps and traffic signals that fall under City jurisdiction for ownership and maintenance. This plan establishes an ADA coordinator for public right of way to provide a single point of contact for the public to report and address concerns. Additionally, a formal grievance procedure is established with this plan for the purposes of the prompt and equitable resolution of residents’ complaints, concerns and comments regarding accessibility of pedestrian facilities located within the public right of way.
Picture of fence and sidewalk.