
9.6 miles of the existing pavement on I-94 from the I-494/I-94 interchange in Maple Grove to TH 101 in Rogers, Minnesota will be resurfaced. The project also includes the construction of a new interchange to the east of Brockton Lane in the City of Dayton. Finally, the project will add a new travel lane in both the westbound and eastbound directions of I-94 from TH 610 to TH 101; improve the pavement and expand the truck parking in the Elm Creek Rest Area; modify trails/sidewalks within the MnDOT right of way to make them ADA compliant; and replace deficient storm water management systems.  The final determination on whether noise barriers are installed will occur via a vote from the benefited receptors tentatively scheduled for January 29, 2019.  No noise walls are being proposed in the City of Rogers. Six lanes of traffic will remain open during construction.

Project Schedule

  • May 10, 2019:  Obtain Federal Finding of No Significant Impact. 

  • June 2019:  Release Design Build RFP 

  • June 7, 2019: Let advanced widening project. 

  • July 2019:  Begin advanced widening work 

  • October 2019: Let Design-build contract. 

  • Spring 2020:  Begin resurfacing project. 

  • November 2021: Construction is completed. 

Dayton Parkway Interchange

This project is being coordinated with a number of other related projects in the area such as:

  • Construction of Dayton Parkway interchange

  • Additional lane between St. Michael and Albertville

  • Additional lane between Monticello and Clearwater

Cost to Rogers

At this time there are no city project costs anticipated. MnDOT will be modifying trails and sidewalks within the MnDOT right-of-way to make them ADA compliant. 

More Information

Read more about this project by visiting the MnDOT project page.