Snow Removal Reminders

Are You Ready for the Winter Season?

Here are some helpful snow removal reminders!


As most people in Minnesota get ready for the approaching winter by buying new shovels, putting on snow tires, or even gaining a few extra pounds to stay warm, the City of Rogers Public Works Department has been getting ready for winter and the snow season too. Our plowing routes have been updated, the plows have been attached to our trucks and salt/sand has been ordered. Each year we purchase 800 to 1200 tons of salt to apply to steep grades, high volume intersections, school crossings, and icy patches on priority routes. This year we have 10 plow drivers, covering a total of 96 miles of road and 150 culde-sacs between them.

The Public Works Department is committed to keeping our streets as safe as possible within staffing and budget parameters. Staff begins plowing when snowfall reaches 2 inches or when roadway conditions warrant a response by Public Works. Equipment dispatch is dependent upon timing and intensity, weather forecast, personnel, equipment availability, and street priority classification. Trails and sidewalks within arterial and collector streets and school walking zones are the City’s main priority to plow within a 24-hour period.

There are a number of things residents can do to minimize plowing-related problems for themselves and to help City crews do the most effective job possible. Here are some City guidelines and winter tips.

Mail/Paper Boxes

Mail and paper boxes must be mounted a minimum of 45 inches above street level. Properly installed mailboxes will be considered for repair or replacement only if physically struck by snowplow equipment. Installations damaged by snow or ice coming from the plow blade will not be repaired or replaced. The City of Rogers Public Works Department, Fire Department, and Post Office are requesting you help keep the area around your mailbox clear of snow. This will enable the postal carriers to deliver your mail without delay.

Driveways and Private Property

Residents and private contractors hired to plow snow from driveways, sidewalks, and parking lots may not deposit snow onto or move snow across public streets or walkways. Doing so is not only a violation of law, but also slows plowing operations, limits streets or walkways from being plowed to full width, and creates dangerous conditions for vehicles and pedestrians.


Residents are responsible for clearing snow from sidewalks adjacent to their property within 24 hours. Please help your neighbors who may be out of town or need help with clearing their sidewalks. Keeping the sidewalks clear of snow benefits you and your neighbors so you can safely walk on them this winter.

Right-of-Way Obstructions

Trees, shrubbery, landscaping, irrigation, and other items located within the right-of-way are prone to damage by snow and will not be considered for compensation. These items should be a minimum of 10 feet behind the curb line.

Trash and Recycling Containers

Please place trash and recycling containers in your driveway for collection to avoid containers from being tipped over from plowing operations. Improper placement of trash and recycling containers reduces the plows ability to efficiently keep streets clear of snow and ice.

Around Fire Hydrants

As you shovel or push snow off your driveways and sidewalks, take time to clear the snow around fire hydrants (three-foot radius). During a fire, seconds count. The extra minute to remove snow around fire hydrants may save your or your neighbor’s home.


Please do not park in the street during a snow event. Vehicles parked on the street while plowing is happening will reduce the quality of snow removal on city streets. Snow plow drivers might not be able to plow your street at all if vehicles are in the way. This can further increase the time plowing will take. The City of Rogers would also like to remind residents that there is NO PARKING ALLOWED on any City street from November 1 through March 31 between the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. Vehicles found parked on a City street during these times will be issued a citation and may be towed.

Winter Driving

For your safety as well as others’, allow ample room between your vehicle and snow removal equipment. Do not pass until the plow has reached a safe clear area and never pass on the right side of the snowplow. Always assume that intersections, curves, bridges, and hills are slippery and drive according to road conditions.

Snowbanks and Winter Fun

Please discourage children from sliding from snowbanks or building forts in snowbanks close to streets. Children playing on or near the road are a concern for snowplow operations. Many times, operators are unable to see a child behind a snowbank or parked car.

Salt Use

Road salt and deicing chemicals are carried by melted snow and ice through sewers, leading to streams, rivers, and lakes, killing fish and plants. The City of Rogers has taken measures to limit the amount of salt used on its streets. The City plows curb to curb, uses liquid additives that enhance the salt’s effectiveness and equipment that applies more liquid brine and less granular salt. Less than one teaspoon of salt will pollute five gallons of water. Once water is polluted, it is nearly impossible to reverse.

Know When to Use Salt

If it is 15 degrees or below, most salt doesn’t work. When it is this cold, sand is a good alternative.

Sweep Up Leftover Salt

When the ice has melted, sweep up the remaining salt and sand from your driveway. You can use it again and help reduce the amount flowing into storm drains and into the water system.

Shovel More

Shovel early and often during a snowstorm. This is easier on your back and the snow won’t compact as much and turn to ice.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation as crews work to clear snow safely and effectively from our City streets and trails. Depending on the timing and severity of the snow event, it may take hours or days to clear all of the snow.

Be safe while clearing and driving on snow and ice this winter!