Passing the Torch

Picture of Doran Cote (Left) and John Seifert (Right).

Public Works Director John Seifert Retires After 39 Years, Public Works Director John Seifert Retires After 39 Years, Doran Cote Hired as New Public Works Director/City Engineer

In 1982, John Seifert was hired as the Public Works Department's first full-time employee. Since then, the department has grown to 25 full-time and part-time employees. After 39 years of service to the Rogers community, the Rogers City Council accepted his resignation at the July 27, 2021 meeting. We were able to interview Public Works Director Seifert before his last day with the City. Check out the interview below!

Describe the growth/change of the Public Works Department during your career.

"The City has welcomed many new residents and businesses since I first started. The population has grown substantially from a modest 652 residents to now nearly 15,000. I am excited for the community’s future!"

What is one thing that you will miss most about coming into work?

"Serving my community and certainly all of my dedicated staff."

What did you like most about working for the City of Rogers?

"The opportunity to help our residents. New and old residents no matter the issue, I enjoyed every challenge, big or small."

Briefly describe 3 accomplishments that you are proud of.

"I think the three most significant accomplishments would be

  • Providing infrastructure to support a stable tax base.

  • Working with the City Council to provide high quality facilities for our residents like the expanding park system and the new Event Center in Lion’s Central Park.

  • Responding to the devastating 2006 Tornado and helping our community recover with the organized help from neighbors and our dedicated community volunteers. This event was another terrific example of the strong sense of community of our residents and businesses."

Is there anyone that you would like to recognize or thank for the success in your career?

"There are many people I’d like to thank from over the years, including our past and present Mayors, City Council members, Park Commissioners, countless volunteers and certainly the City Administrators I have served.

However, if there is one person I’d like to thank specifically, it would be my second Administrator of 23 years, Gary Eitel. Gary always approached each day as a challenge to make our community better place to live, and in 2007, we were recognized as the best place to raise a family in the entire state of Minnesota. His passion spilled over onto others and certainly made an impression on me, including the long meetings and a full pot of coffee."

Describe an important lesson that you have learned while working for the City of Rogers.

"Public Service is heavy on service to others."

If you could offer one piece of advice for someone that is interested in a career in Public Works, what would it be?

"Be ready for a rewarding and challenging career. No two days are the same."

About Public Works Director/City Engineer Cote Director/City Engineer Cote

Picture of Doran Cote and John Seifert shaking hands in front of a Public Works truck.

The Rogers City Council hired Doran Cote as the new Public Works Director/City Engineer at the July 27, 2021 City Council Meeting.

Doran Cote began his professional engineering career as the City Engineer for the City of Brooklyn Park. He spent 8+ years in Brooklyn Park, before furthering his career as the Public Works Director in Plymouth in 2005. He was with the City of Plymouth until the end of 2017, when he was hired as the City Engineer with the City of Brooklyn Center. After 4+ years in Brooklyn Center, he accepted the Public Works Director/City Engineer position here at the City of Rogers.

Read our interview below to learn more about Public Works Director/City Engineer Doran!

Provide a brief explanation of what your new role is.

"My role is to maintain the City’s infrastructure (water, sewer, storm sewer, streets, parks, fleet) and provide engineering oversight on public improvements and private development."

How do you see the Public Works Department evolving in the coming years?

"I think technology is going to take on an even larger role in engineering and Public Works (A/I, robotics, autonomous vehicles/equipment)."

What are you most excited about working for the City of Rogers?

"My coworkers and development."

What are some of your goals as the new Public Works Director/City Engineer?

Short Term Goal: "Downloading as much information as I can from John without my head exploding."

Long Term Goal: "Continue the strong tradition of public service in a high quality and efficient fashion."

What is the toughest job-related challenge that you have overcome throughout your career?

"In Brooklyn Park it was shoehorning in a pedestrian bridge over Highway 252 where a 10-year-old girl had been hit and killed crossing the road. In Brooklyn Center, it was the civil unrest that resulted from an officerinvolved shooting and walking the fine line between serving the needs of the community while respecting individuals’ right to protest."