Fireworks Permit
Picture of fireworks.
A permit is required in the City of Rogers for all indoor and outdoor retail sales of Fireworks and for any pyrotechnics displays. Applications must be submitted no less than 15 days prior to date of display.
Requirements for Indoor/Outdoor Sales
Certificate of Liability
Inventory list
Site plan
Show distances from other (non)/permanent structures
Floor plan of product display
Show storage heights
Show storage racking and shelves
Floor plan of product storage
Location of sales area
Location of No Smoking signs
Construction details if applicable (Applicant must apply for separate tent permit for outdoor sales of fireworks)
Certificate of Insurance
Materials safety data sheets
Fire extinguishers
Requirement for Pyrotechnics
Proof of bond or insurance certificate in the minimum amount of $1,000,000.00
Site plan to scale showing display location
Diagram to show points of discharge
Diagram to show location of ground pieces
Location of all buildings, highways, communication lines and other possible overhead obstructions
Diagram showing audience barriers and indicating fallout radius of each pyrotechnic device being used
Diagram must show the location of flame breaks and describe the material
List of products
Names and ages of all assistants participating in the display
Must provide 24 hour contact information for owner, operator, and or manager
Copy of pyrotechnic operator certificate
Emergency plan
Fire extinguishers