About Park & Rec Advisory Commission

The mission of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission is to enhance the lives of current and future generations of Roger’s residents and contribute vision, leadership, and recommendations to the City Council for the best use and development of Rogers' parks, trails, recreation programming, and open spaces.

The purpose of this Commission is to work as a team to:

  1. Study and determine the parks, recreation and open space needs of the City and serve as an Advisory Commission providing recommendations to the City Council on matters pertaining to the planning, programming, evaluating and funding of park and recreation facilities and programs in accordance with Minnesota Statutes.

  2. Recommend annual priorities to the City Council, with reference to the Comprehensive Master Park Plan for Parks, Trails, and Open Space, for the acquisition, development, operation, and maintenance of recreation area, natural area, facilities, and programs.

For more info on our Parks & Rec Advisory Commission visit our municode page.


Territorial Park Update

The City of Rogers is considering park improvements at Territorial Park and would like your thoughts on the proposed improvements. The city values collecting input from the parks surrounding neighborhoods and future users.

The City has provided two opportunities for you to provide feedback for the proposed park improvements including:

  • In-person park & recreation advisory committee meeting on Thursday, March 13, 2025 starting at 5:30 p.m. at the Sunroom at Lions Central Park.

  • Comments will be accepted up to March 11th, 2025.

View park proposal documents here:

  1. Territorial Park Site Plan

  2. Rope Play Equipment Selections

  3. Park Layout - Option 1

  4. Park Layout - Option 2


Check Out The 2017 Parks, Open Space, and Trail Systems Plan!


Contact Us

Mike Bauer

Parks and Recreation Director




Get Involved