How to logon to FinnlyConnect and Make a Payment
Open a browser and go to
In the upper right corner, click “Login.”
A Login form will popup
Facility staff created an account for you. Please use the Email Address that was used to request the reservation and Password 1234
Upon login, please change your password and confirm (Should be 8 characters)
If prompted for Security Code, open your email account and locate the email from FinnlyTech Notification. This email includes a 6-digit security code
You will have 15 minutes to enter the Security Code
Click Complete, and you will have logged into
You will see your dashboard with information about your account at RAC.
Making a Payment
To make a payment select an unpaid transaction or invoice and hit the “+” to add to the shopping cart
Click the shopping cart in the upper right corner to Check out
Fill in the requested information and on the shopping cart and click Submit Payment
Print or email the receipt to yourself