Compressed Gasses

Image of large tanks used for storing compressed gases, typically found in industrial settings. These tanks are designed to safely hold and transport gases under high pressure.

Where the compressed gasses in use or storage exceed the amount listed in table 105.6.9, a construction permit is required to install, repair damage to, abandon, remove, place temporarily out of service, or close or substantially modify a compressed gas system.

  • Exceptions

    • Routine maintenance

    • For emergency repair work performed on an emergency basis, application for permit shall be made within two working days of commencement of work.

Submittal Requirements

A plan that Includes:

  • Location of tanks inside or outside and any firewalls

  • Location of other storage in relation to the compressed gas

  • Location of piping

  • Leak detection and associated devices (separate permit required)

  • Description of signage and location of signage

  • Method of securing tanks

  • Any heat sources in relation to the tank

  • Location of exits in vicinity of compressed gasses

  • Data sheets related to the compressed gas

  • Data sheets related to tank construction, piping and associated devices


If you have any additional questions, email or call 763-428-3500.