Spraying or Dipping Equipment
Image of a spraying device with a nozzle that is releasing liquid. This equipment is used to apply coatings or treatments in various processes.
Dipping Operation Plan Submittal Requirements
Floor plan showing location of dipping operations
Manufactures cut sheets of dip tanks
Location of overflow piping
Location of bottom drains and type of activation
Dip tank cover construction
Ventilation requirements of dipping operations
Spraying Operation Plan Submittal Requirements
Floor plan showing location of spraying operations
Design and construction plan of spray room/booth
Egress paths and exits from spray room/booth
Clear space around spray room/booth
Fire protection in spray room/booth (Separate permit required)
Storage location and room construction of coatings used in spraying operations
Termination points of exhaust and make up air in room and where it exits the building
Sequence of events for interlock systems
Electrical plan shall be included as part of the application
If you have any additional questions, email rogersfd@rogersmn.gov or call 763-428-3500.